CCL Community Release - January 24, 2022
What's a release?
Simply put, a release is a package of software updates consisting of new features and bug fixes along with new content. The CCL Community Release Notes are published after a group of significant new features, bug fixes, and/or content updates have been released. Ask any questions in the comments below.New Features
- New Content for Volunteer Use. Subscribe to this new category in CCL Community's Sitewide forums to get biweekly direct download links to all new digital content from CCL's marketing department. Ask questions, discuss new content, and make requests for future digital content.
- Text Opt-In On Chapter Rosters (and State Rosters). With more groups using text messaging to notify groups of meetings and other events, CCL's IT team wanted to provide a way for group leaders to both download a list of SMS opt-ins as well as a way for group leaders to opt their chapter members out (but not in), both rosters now provide access to three new features in the roster view.
2. In the "Export" tab there is now the ability to sort your roster by Text Opt-In status and export only those that have opted in (or not opted in):- In the "Roster Details" tab there is a new additional field titled "Text Msg Opt-In" that provides a quick scan view with filter ability to sort the roster by Yes/No status of who has opted into text messages in the roster:
- 3. In the "Roster Contact Info" tab there is now the ability to click "edit" next to any individual contact's name and opt members out of text messages if requested (but not allow someone to opt a user in). This field is only editable if the requesting chapter member is already opted in and is requesting to be opted out. If a chapter member is not listed as opted in and wants to be opted in have them use CCL's Text Alert page to complete themselves. Note: Unfortunately CCL leaders can't manually update chapter members to opt-in for text messages as electronic consent is required to be provided due to SMS guidelines that require implicit electronic consent from the individual, not via a third party.
- Action Tracker Updates. An Organization Name field was added to the Action Tracker in the meeting actions. Note fields were added to two additional Grassroots action types: Presentations and Tabling
- IT's New Help Center. CCL Community has been updated to feature connections to the new ticketing support system that the IT Department has implemented with the new short URL on the Help page, Contact Us page, and other support pages. If you are a volunteer in need of technical assistance, please submit a support request at
- @ Mentioning Expansion. CCL Community has increased the number of @ mention results from six to thirty to make it easier to find the correct member. Members without profile pictures now show a no-image profile image.
Bug Fixes
- Main Navigation Bar. Fixed an issue where the main navigation bar was formatted incorrectly across browsers loading without the search bar or with the dropdown menu items being condensed.
- Group File Page. Fixed an issue where group files were not displaying correctly to allow group members to add, edit, and delete folders in their files.
- New Chapter Members Joining. Group Leaders and Chapter Admins who sign up to be notified of New Members when they join their group will no longer receive notifications for members joining that have opted out of email communications.
- Social Media Buttons. Fixed an issue where the hover text on Profile Pages for Twitter handles was incorrect.
- Unread Messages. Fixed an issue where the unread messages counter was not displaying the correct number
New & Updated Content
Most Recent Trainings (reverse chronologically sorted):- Understanding Methane Fees
- 7 Steps For Media Actions - Core Volunteer Training
- Utilizing State-Level Climate Policy Impact Tools
- Social Media Basics - Core Volunteer Training
- Developing Your Chapter’s Action Plan
- Engaging With The CCL Community Website
- Telling Compelling Climate Stories Workshop
- Communicating With Conservatives - Core Volunteer Training
- New State-Level Climate Co-Benefits Tool
- Engaging Community Leaders - Core Volunteer Training
- December 2021 Race & Culture: Diversity Conversations
- COP26: Updates and Recap
- Communicating With Progressives - Core Volunteer Training
- Grassroots Outreach Basics - Core Volunteer Training
- Social Media Basics - Core Volunteer Training
- Lobbying 401: Leading A Lobby Team Training
- Understanding Congress Basics - Core Volunteer Training
- November 2021 Lobby Training #2: Supporting Asks & Final Guidance
- Practicing Effective Lobbying - Core Volunteer Training
- November Lobby Training #1: Legislative Plan & Primary Asks
- Big Tent Climate Talks w/ National Wildlife Federation
- Q&A About CCL's November Conference & Lobby Days
- Research on Rural Economic Benefits of Climate Policy
- Reconciliation Legislative Update and Q&A
- Economics of Carbon Fee & Dividend Policies - Core Volunteer Training
- Climate Change Science AMA w/ Dr. Ben Santer
- Understanding U.S. State Severance Fees
- Energy Innovation Act Sponsors - currently now 94 total representatives in support (updated Jan. 21st)
- CCL Introductory Presentation- work in progress, 2021 statistics added to the end slides with additional CCL accomplishments (updated Jan. 21st)
- Social Media Toolkits: Ten Reconciliation Actions & Carbon Pricing is Popular (updated weekly, most recently Jan. 20th)
- LTE Topics (updated Jan. 20th)
- Op-Ed Templates (updated Jan. 20th)
- Photos - new photos in the stock images, social distance and chapter activities categories (updated Jan. 14th)
- Laser Talks (updated Jan. 14th)
- Monthly Speakers (updated Jan. 8th)
- 2022 Chapter Action Guide (updated Jan. 3rd)
- Monthly Action Sheets (updated Jan. 1st)
- Health Co-Benefits by State from Decarbonization (updated Dec. 10th)
- Editorial Packets (updated Dec. 7th)
- Fundraising Social Media Toolkit (updated Dec. 3rd)
- Social Media Toolkit: Carbon Pricing is Popular (updated Nov. 23rd)
- Slideshow Presentation: Carbon Pricing Is Popular (updated Nov. 23rd)
- Local Press Release Templates (updated Nov. 18th)
- Resilience Resources (updated Nov. 15th)
- Conference Presentations & Videos (updated Nov. 13th)
- Supporting Asks (updated Nov. 3rd)
- Carbon Price Action Campaign Flyers (updated Nov. 2nd)
- Meeting Minutes Print-out (updated Oct. 28th)
- Primary Ask (Leave Behind) (updated Oct. 28th)
- Action Tracker (see new features above)
- Carbon Pricing, Energy Innovation Act, Reconciliation, etc. Forum Category
- New Volunteer Page (updated layout and recommended first steps)
Recent Posts
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In January of this year, climate concerns got a lot more real for members of the CCL Pasadena-Foothills chapter. Their communities in the suburbs of Los Angeles — Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre — were ground zero for the Eaton Fire earlier this year, estimated to be the second most destructive wildfire in California’s history. Chapter members ...
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