Local Press Release Templates

Would you like to read a news article, watch a TV segment, or listen to a radio interview about CCLās national or local activities and strategies? Here's how to make that happen: send a press release! When something newsworthy is going on, fill out the appropriate press release template and send it to the reporters at your local newspapers, TV stations and radio stations. Hopefully, they will respond by covering your news in an article, TV segment, or radio show.
Here are press release templates for a few common scenarios in CCL:
If you have questions or need support, visit the "Working with Media" forum. CCL's Communications staff monitors the forum and will answer your questions quickly.
Want to learn more about using press releases to generate media coverage for CCL? Check out our training video onĀ Generating Media Coverage, which explains how to build your list of local media contacts, when to reach out, and more.