CCL Community Release - December 31, 2022
What's a release?
Simply put, a release is a package of software updates consisting of new features and bug fixes along with new content. The CCL Community Release Notes are published after a group of significant new features, bug fixes, and/or content updates have been released. Ask any questions in the comments below.New Features
- Welcome Home Banner. This new banner spans across your home dashboard page with your name and a clear link to your local group at the very top of the page along with your three highest accomplishment badges with a link to the badge glossary page to find out more about what other badges CCL provides. You'll note that your groups, bookmarks and Action Tracker link are all still prominently located at the top of your page shifted to the right side.
- Main Actions Block. To help keep our monthly actions front and center for all of our volunteer network we added this block to help surface the CCL's monthly actions and national goals/campaigns that we are currently working on. Scroll through the pages to see all of the options available to you and your chapter and click any respective button link to be taken to the action that best suits your interests. We believe that this design will help activate our new volunteers and get them involved right from the beginning of their experience with CCL by providing clear immediate actions, helping them feel empowered and connected to our shared national climate work.
- News & Updates Block. This block combines the best of the former three areas of the main home dashboard page (Top News Block, Blue Action Bar Block and CCL Community Bulletin Block) all in one area so that you can find what you're looking for and stay current with CCL related news in one place-- whether it be our weekly briefing, monthly speaker plans, recent content shared on social media or other important updates. Click the "More News & Updates" link to be taken to our CCL Community Bulletin archive for older news after it cycles out of this main page.
- Action Tracker update allowing state and regional coordinators to view individual actions across their state or region and the ability for coordinators to filter the results by state, chapter, participant, and action type (including calls, letters/emails, etc.).
Bug Fixes
- Video Additions. Fixed an issue where a thumbnail error was triggered while adding a photo video to one's group page.
- Chapter Email Issue Addressed. Fixed an issue where the chapter message was intermittently timing out when being sent.
New & Updated Content
Most Recent Trainings (reverse chronologically sorted):
- CCL's Policy Agenda
- An Introduction To Carbon Pricing
- An Introduction to Healthy Forests
- Advanced Training on Healthy Forests
- An Introduction to Building Electrification and Efficiency
- Advanced Training on Building Electrification and Efficiency
- An Introduction To Clean Energy Permitting Reform
- Advanced Training on Clean Energy Permitting Reform
- Core Volunteer Training (each have been updated through the fall 2022)
- Braver Angels Action Team: Opportunities for Mindful Bipartisan Communication (CCU)
- CCL Live Informational Session
- Climate Advocate Training (Online)
- Getting Started With Local Partnership Ideas
- Help Your Chapter Take Action With CCL's Policy Agenda
- Lobbying 401: Leading Your Lobby Team (CCU)
- Sesión Informativa de CCL en vivo / CCL Information Session in Spanish
- Why Clean Energy Permitting Reform Is An Important Climate Priority - Advanced Training (CCU)
- December 2022 Conference & Lobby Days Q&A
- Fall 2022 Lobby Training #2: Primary & Supporting Asks
- Diverse and Equitable Outreach and Onboarding
- Empowering Each Other In Our Climate Advocacy
- How To Tour Your State or Region (CCU)
- December 2022 Lobby Training #1: Legislative Plan (By Member of Congress Segments) Evening Session
- December 2022 Lobby Training #1: Legislative Plan (By Member of Congress Segments) Morning Session
- Understanding the IRA's Methane Charge (Fee) (CCU)
- September 2022 Big Tent Climate Talks w/ Bill McKibben!
- Creative & Engaging Tabling Ideas
- Climate Science Basics AMA w/ Dr. Deepti Singh
- Understanding Conservative Perspectives About The Inflation Reduction Act
- Giving Inflation Reduction Act Presentations In Your Community
- Preventing Burnout as a Climate Advocate
- Understanding Environmental Justice Perspectives About the IRA
- Help Us Recruit Major Donors (CCU)
- A Fresh Take To Giving An Introductory Presentation To CCL
CCL’s Policy Agenda New Resources
- About CCL (Who We Are) Handouts
- CCL Trifold Tabling Display
- Six Americas Activity
- Carbon Fee and Dividend Handouts
- Carbon Cashback Handouts
- Healthy Forests Handouts
- Urban Forests Handouts
- Building Electrification Handouts
Additional Resources
- Monthly Action Sheets (Jan. 7th)
- Monthly Speakers (Jan. 6th)
- Local Elected Electrification Letter Template (Jan. 5th)
- Spanish-Language Resources (Dec. 30th)
- Paperless Action Tools Handout (Dec. 28th)
- LTE Topics (Dec. 21st)
- Volunteer Opportunities Role Descriptions (Dec. 17th)
- Local Press Release Templates (Dec. 14th)
- Conference Presentations & Videos (Dec. 5th)
- Supporting Asks (Dec. 2nd)
- CCL Introductory Presentation Slides (Dec. 1st)
- CCL Slides Template (Dec. 1st)
- Fundraising Social Media Toolkit (Nov. 23rd)
- Primary Ask (Leave Behind) (Nov. 10th)
- Film Screening Guides (Nov. 5th)
- Photos (Nov. 2nd)
- Volunteer Inventory Form (Oct. 27th)
- Lobby Team Role Descriptions (Oct. 22nd)
- Inflation Reduction Act Handouts (Sept. 10th)
- Inflation Reduction Act Q&A (Sept. 10th)
- Inflation Reduction Act Slides (Sept. 10th)
Additional Pages/Tools:
Sitewide Forum Categories w/ Staff Support:
- Carbon Pricing & Carbon Fee and Dividend
- Healthy Forests
- Building Electrification and Efficiency
- Clean Energy Permitting Reform
- Other Policy Questions
Recent Posts
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