CCL Trifold Tabling Display

A printable design for you to create a CCL Tabling Trifold Presentation Board to help with your tabling event or other grassroots outreach opportunity to educate the general public about who CCL is and inspire them to join what we're up to.
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Usage Instructions
Click the first "download" button by the "CCL Tabling Trifold Full Page Printouts" .pdf download to get the full set of 8.5" x 11" pages for your own display, then print it or send the file to your local print shop or go to to order online. The second "CCL Tabling Trifold Display Layout" download button is intended to show how the trifold board looks put together and could also be used to print one larger 48 in. x 36 inch sheet. If your team is interested in a Spanish language display, click the third download button.
Example Layout:

Board Size: 48 in. x 36 in.
Each tile on the left represents one 8.5x11 inch sheet of paper.
Printing Instructions
Print Settings:
Choose “Actual Size” or “100%”
(do not choose “Fit” or “Fit to Page”)
Pages to Print: pages 2-17
Page Size or Page Fitting:
Paper Size: 8.5 in. x 11 in.
Related Trainings
Chapter Organizing, Grassroots Outreach
Handout, Other