Lobby Team Role Descriptions

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This resource describes the typical participant roles for a lobby meeting.
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Lobby Team Roles

Depending on the size of the lobby team, an individual may fill multiple roles. Everyone is encouraged to participate in the discussion, but give deference to the constituents wherever possible.

  • Leader –the lobby team member who manages the meeting, facilitates transitions, makes sure the meeting plan is followed, and empowers everyone to share and participate, especially the constituents. If the leader is not the Liaison, the leader is responsible for briefing the Liaison after the meeting. The leader assigns roles before a meeting.
  • Appreciator – the lobby team member who shows appreciation for something the member of Congress has recently accomplished. If possible, this should be a constituent.
  • Time Monitor –  the lobby team member who asks at the beginning how much time there is for the meeting and keeps the meeting on time. Alerts team when there is only five minutes (or other agreed upon time) left.  Monitors the time both CCL volunteers and Member or staff are talking with the target of sharing it 50/50. Tallies number of open questions your team asked for the meeting minutes.
  • Notetaker – the lobby team member who takes notes of the discussion and records key points made. If possible, the notetaker should be an experienced volunteer. This person should be able to easily follow the conversation and, most important,  capture what’s said by the member of Congress or staffer. The same day as the meeting the notetaker types the notes into the online form.
  • Discussion – all lobby team members are encouraged to participate in the discussion, especially the constituents. Actively listen and offer a reflection verbally on what your member of Congress or staffer says in a way that clarifies, offers understanding and opens doors to change.
  • Asker – the lobby team member who presents CCL’s purpose and ask. If possible, this should be a constituent who has a strong grasp of the legislation and its wider implications and ripple effects. The asker leaves the 1-page primary ask behind.
  • Deliverer – the team member who is responsible for bringing constituent letters, postcards, or endorsements letters from community leaders to the meeting.
  • Photographer—the team member designated to take a photo (with permission) and share online afterwards on social media.
  • Follow-up – this lobby team member sends follow-up meeting materials and a thank you card. If the person doing the follow-up is not the Liaison, he/she should coordinate on the follow-up items with the Liaison soon after the meeting.
  • Listener - All meeting members are encouraged to be listeners. If you hear something that sounds like a topic to gain more understanding, all are empowered to ask more and use the opportunity to clarify what is missing to bring further clarity to the dialogue. 
Lobby Meeting RolesLobby Meeting Roles(.docx) (updated 10/22/22)51 KB
Lobby Meeting RolesLobby Meeting Roles(.pdf) (updated 10/22/22)67 KB
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