Volunteer Opportunities Role Descriptions

A list of mini-role descriptions for every role in a chapter.
Have you completed this training?
Usage Instructions
Watch a video of CCL’s Elli Sparks walking through this resource for your chapter’s use.
The role descriptions follow a basic formula starting with the name of the position:
The role descriptions follow a basic formula starting with the name of the position:
- It describes what you are going to do in general.
- It gives you some examples of specific tasks associated with the position.
- The role description will indicate who you get to work with in each particular position.
- It provides an estimate of how many hours the position takes.
- It connects you with the name of the people or person who can help support you in this position. Usually it’s a CCL staff member. Sometimes it’s a volunteer who leads an action team, or it is a state or regional coordinator or group leader.
- It links to the page on CCL Community where you can get training to get started.
- Lastly, it lays out what role you could advance to once you develop your proficiency in this particular role.
Chapter Organizing