Film Screening Guides

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This resource provides a list of films to help local chapters host events with screenings that CCL has used in the past.
Have you completed this training?
Usage Instructions

Through the generosity of film and TV producers and distributors, Citizensʼ Climate Lobby volunteers have access to share several films and TV shows with their local communities. Most are available digitally and some DVDs can be mailed to your chapter. All are available for free or a nominal price. Visit the Hosting A Screening training page for more information on planning your event.

This is a living document that you can download by clicking on the download button below. If you have suggestions for additional films, please email .

All Films

Below is a list of films CCL recommends for local film screenings. Your chapter is not required to stick to these suggestions. However, we do encourage you to consider your audience and the action you hope to generate. To tailor your event to a particular audience, policy area, or time available, please check out these resources.

This Month's Featured Film: One of the newest additions to our Film Screening Guide is The Week. Click the guides below to find out more about it or watch this personalized welcome to CCLers from The Week's John Yildiz.

CCL Film Screening Guide CCL Film Screening Guide (.pdf)(last updated 7/23/24) 152 KB

Click the image above to view the guide in Google Docs
Films Organized by Audience Guide Films Organized by Audience Guide (.pdf)(last updated 7/23/24) 151 KB
Films Organized by Policy Guide Films Organized by Policy Guide (.pdf)(last updated 7/23/24) 109 KB
Films Organized by Length Guide Films Organized by Length Guide (.pdf)(last updated 7/23/24) 141 KB
Chapter Organizing, Media Relations
File Type
PDF (.pdf)