Local Climate Change Impacts

These trainings highlight the importance of communicating local risks and impacts of climate change and how to use tools to demonstrate what our own communities face to help make climate change more relatable.


Self-Paced Training

CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View the Training Events Calendar for a full list.

Highlight Your Local Climate Impacts

  All Levels This training is suitable for everyone, from newer volunteers to those with more experience.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

Our members of Congress, local media, municipal councils, friends and family are more open to hearing our message if we first find common ground on climate impacts that are local, timely and relevant.

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Climate Central Tools: Making It Real, Making It Local

  All Levels This training is suitable for everyone, from newer volunteers to those with more experience.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

Join Karen Florini, Vice President for Programs at Climate Central, for a training that highlights the climate communication tools available to climate advocates from Climate Central, including Climate Matters, WeatherPower, Sea Level Rise, and Realtime Climate, all of which provide timely, personalized alerts on climate impacts & solutions – for every community in the U.S.

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Health Impacts of Climate Change & Burning Fossil Fuels

  Intermediate This training is created for volunteers who already have a grasp of the basics and are looking to deepen their understanding on a more focused topic.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

Increasing levels of greenhouse gas concentrations in our atmosphere bring about human health consequences. The release of toxic pollutants is hardest on vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, and those with asthma or cardiovascular disease.

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Sunny Day Flooding & Climate Advocacy

  Advanced This training topic is more advanced and intended to provide complex information and resources for volunteers looking for an in-depth explanation.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This applied training covers how to identify and leverage the sunny day flooding events that occur in your community to create local stories with impact about your community. This training will also focus on how to connect these local stories and use sunny day flooding in our advocacy for coastal chapters.

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