Outreach to Important Stakeholders
Whether your goals are to educate others, to build relationships or to seek endorsements, outreach to important stakeholders is an integral part of building political will.
Self-Paced Training
CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View the Training Events Calendar for a full list.
Outreach To The Agriculture Community
Outreach to the agriculture community can help cultivate allies and build support for the Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act among agribusiness, consumers, and farmers with farms of all sizes.
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National Security Outreach
Many voices within the national security community have been identifying the national security risks associated with climate risk-- this training walks through some of those highlights.
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Health Industry Outreach
This training offers advice on how to approach health professionals, hospitals, and other health care systems for support of Carbon Fee & Dividend principles and the Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act.
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Engaging Young Adults in Climate Solutions
"This training provides a background to learn more about millennials’ concerns, how to get them involved, and connect your CCL team’s outreach with local college students and higher education communities.
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Using Oil & Gas's Support For Carbon Pricing
Learn about the history and thought leaders of the fossil fuel industry, and hone your message about the support of the fossil fuel industry for carbon pricing.
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