Getting Started Writing for the Media
Engage with local media to inform your community and legislators about CCL and build support for the Energy Innovation Act.
Self-Paced Training
CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View the Training Events Calendar for a full list.
Media Basics
This training provides quick steps to generate local media coverage about climate solutions with the goal of influencing your member of Congress. It walks you through a multitude of ways to engage with local media and highlights the resources that CCL provides to help you do that.
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Writing Effective Letters to the Editor
This training provides an overview of the news hierarchy, a formula for writing effective letters to the editor, and common protocols for writing effective letters to the editor.
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Opinion Columns (Op-Eds)
Learn the process of writing an op-ed, how to submit an op-ed to your local print media outlet, and different approaches that can be taken.
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How to Craft Climate Conservative Op-Eds
Are you a conservative or a constituent with a conservative member of Congress? This training covers how to write effective op-eds focused on climate change with conservative framing and talking points.
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