Next Steps For Grasstops Engagement
Now that you've established relationships with your grasstops connections, what additional ways can these connections help amplify efforts to support national nonpartisan climate legislation?
Self-Paced Training
CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View the Training Events Calendar for a full list.
Engaging Your Chamber of Commerce
This training walks through the process of engaging your local Chamber of Commerce. Given their prominent voice within many communities, building relationships with your local Chamber can help grow your members’ support for the Energy Innovation Act.
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Ask Community Leaders to Champion their Support to Congress
This training walks you through the process of highlighting Energy Innovation Act support from local community leaders on both sides of the aisle and provides specific examples of other CCL groups' success stories. Starting with community leaders in your direct network, as well those who have already endorsed, will likely be more efficient and effective.
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Local and State Level Policy Engagement
CCL considers our work in Congress to be our primary means for achieving the bold action we need to solve climate change. Our work locally and at the state level should be in service to our goals in Congress, or at minimum not detract from or jeopardize our work there.
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