Starting A CCL Chapter

Building and sustaining a CCL group takes time, attention and heart. These trainings are designed to help you learn from what's worked for others to begin your CCL chapter.


Self-Paced Training

CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View the Training Events Calendar for a full list.

Chapter Development Basics

  All Levels This training is suitable for everyone, from newer volunteers to those with more experience.
  Interactive Training content presented in a more interactive format with integrated images, audio, video and learner-centric activities.

This training has been designed to demystify the process of starting, growing and running a CCL chapter, and to give potential group leaders an overarching understanding of what’s involved and what’s possible when you begin the journey.

Start Training

Starting a Local Chapter

  Beginner This training is intended for volunteers who are seeking a basic understanding of this topic.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

CCL chapters form the backbone of the CCL organization. This training points to resources to help get a new chapter up and running and the background behind CCL's emerging group leader program.

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Hosting Your Climate Advocate Workshop

  Beginner This training is intended for volunteers who are seeking a basic understanding of this topic.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

Hosting a Climate Advocate Workshop can be as simple as planning and hosting a birthday party for a friend. Food, invitation list, invitations, location, and coordinating with the trainer are your primary concerns. Read on below for a more detailed list of suggestions.

Start Training

Connect With Others