How to Create a Clean and Stable Electric Grid

These resources and trainings help provide an overview of what kinds of energy and infrastructure will be needed for a clean and stable energy electric grid and the main technologies that are most likely to get us there.


Self-Paced Training

CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View the Training Events Calendar for a full list.

How to Create a Clean and Stable Electric Grid

  All Levels This training is suitable for everyone, from newer volunteers to those with more experience.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training introduces a series of trainings that focus on achieving a clean energy electric grid and the main technologies that are most likely to get us there.

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Wind Power

  Beginner This training is intended for volunteers who are seeking a basic understanding of this topic.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training reviews how wind power will contribute to a clean and stable electric grid.

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Solar Power

  Beginner This training is intended for volunteers who are seeking a basic understanding of this topic.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training reviews how solar power will contribute to a clean and stable electric grid.

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Hydro Power

  Beginner This training is intended for volunteers who are seeking a basic understanding of this topic.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training reviews how hydropower will contribute to a clean and stable electric grid.

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Nuclear Power

  Beginner This training is intended for volunteers who are seeking a basic understanding of this topic.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training reviews how nuclear power will contribute to a clean and stable electric grid.

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Geothermal Power

  Beginner This training is intended for volunteers who are seeking a basic understanding of this topic.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training reviews how geothermal power will contribute to a clean and stable electric grid.

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CO2 Capture From Power Plants

  Beginner This training is intended for volunteers who are seeking a basic understanding of this topic.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training reviews the application of CO2 capture from power plants and how it will contribute to a clean and stable electric grid.

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Energy Storage

  Beginner This training is intended for volunteers who are seeking a basic understanding of this topic.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training reviews how energy storage will contribute to a clean and stable electric grid.

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Electrical Transmission

  Beginner This training is intended for volunteers who are seeking a basic understanding of this topic.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training reviews how electrical transmission will contribute to a clean and stable electric grid.

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Demand Response and Rate Reform

  Beginner This training is intended for volunteers who are seeking a basic understanding of this topic.
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training reviews what demand response and rate reform are and how they will contribute to a clean and stable electric grid.

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