Getting Started as a Volunteer
Welcome to CCL! These trainings and resources feature some easy ways to get started.
Self-Paced Training
CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View the Training Events Calendar for a full list.
Informational Session
Learn more about Citizens’ Climate Lobby and how you can make a difference in creating the political will for legislation that will put us on the path to reduce the emissions that are changing our climate. Tell us after you watch or listen to the recording, or sign up for the next Info Session webinar Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. ET, 7 CT, 6 MT, and 5 PT.

Climate Advocate Lobby Training (Online)
Going beyond the Informational Session, Climate Advocate Lobby Training will not only teach you about Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s methods and visions but also inspire you to find your role so you can hit the ground running.
Start Training
Engaging With CCL Community
The training focuses on helping volunteers navigate CCL's primary websites and how to make the best use of the information and resources available.
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