Outreach to Nonprofits and Community Groups

Whether your goals are to educate others, to build relationships or to seek endorsements, outreach to specific communities is an integral part of building political will.


Self-Paced Training

CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View the Training Events Calendar for a full list.

Working with Other Organizations and Allies

  Intermediate This training is intended for new-ish volunteers to help get a beginning grasp of the basics regarding this topic
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training explores how to engage and partner with other organizations in a respectful, understanding and productive way - featuring examples from throughout the country of what CCL chapters are doing to build these essential connections.

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Outreach to Faith Communities

  Intermediate This training is intended for new-ish volunteers to help get a beginning grasp of the basics regarding this topic
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training focuses on how to begin reaching out to your national faith headquarters, potential allies, and local places of worship, given that many voices within the faith community have been making a moral case for action on climate change.

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Working with Environmental Justice Communities

  Intermediate This training is intended for new-ish volunteers to help get a beginning grasp of the basics regarding this topic
  Traditional Training content presented in a tab format with more straightforward access to text, webinar, and audio recordings.

This training helps volunteers practice two specific approaches within environmental justice outreach: building personal relationships built on genuine interest, and working towards broader community engagement through shared alliances.

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After your Grassroots Outreach

Connect With Others