Climate Opinion & Communications Research
Keep up to date on what social science research finds important in how, what, and when we communicate about climate change.
Self-Paced Training
CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View the Training Events Calendar for a full list.
Let’s Talk Communities & Climate with ecoAmerica
This two-part training presents ecoAmerica’s extensive research and polling on American attitudes about climate change and also focuses on how to talk effectively to colleagues, communities, families, and political leaders about climate issues.
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Using the Yale Climate Opinion Data
This training presents scientific research conducted by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication on the American public’s knowledge, attitudes, and policy preferences about climate change. It also describes their infographics and tools, including climate opinion maps, and how to use the data in meetings with Congress, the media and others.
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The Psychology of Climate Change Communication
This training explores how we make decisions when something is uncertain, how we communicate about the collective risks we face, and what kind of participatory process is most supportive in leading to behavior change.
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Guide To Communicating About Carbon Pricing
This training provides specific communication recommendations around carbon pricing policy based on the main findings and recommendations in the Guide to Communicating Carbon Pricing report.
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