Getting Started with Grasstops Engagement
Learn how to engage and gain the support of your community’s influencers.
Self-Paced Training
CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View the Training Events Calendar for a full list.
Grasstops Engagement Basics
This training highlights the beginning steps for building support for the Energy Innovation Act from prominent local faith, business, and community leaders, and elected officials who will impress your members of Congress in your own community.
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Focusing Your Grasstops Outreach To Influence Your Member
This training provides some ideas to start the process of identifying and recruiting allies in our communities.
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Grasstops Engagement Tracker Tutorial
This training walks through how to use the Grasstops Engagement Tracker - CCL’s ongoing grasstops outreach updates - including how to search for existing Influencers, create new entries, and see a list of endorsers in your district.
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Engaging City and Local Governments For Resolutions
One of the most impactful ways we can express the local will of the people is by obtaining resolutions in support of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act from our local municipal governing bodies. When a city, county or state passes a resolution, they are sending a message to Congress on behalf of many thousands of people.
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