Contacting Congress
This topic outlines the process for calling, writing, and generating calls to Congress.
Self-Paced Training
CCL also offers live training sessions on a variety of topics every week. View Events Calendar for a full list
Call Congress
Get started calling your members of Congress to take action on climate and review a sample script and helpful links.
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Tweet Congress
Learn how to tweet to your members of Congress to amplify our voices and help move Congress closer to enacting the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Action.
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Write Congress
Research shows that, other than meeting with your member of Congress, personal letters or emails are the next best effective form of advocacy. We encourage you to generate as many letters to your member of Congress as possible each month.
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What is the Climate Action Program? FAQs
This training describes how chapters can create a group of volunteers who call once per month to ensure their member(s) of Congress receive a small number of phone calls every day from constituents.
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