
- CCL-produced videos are available for viewing on CCL's YouTube channel, including:
- CCL videos are also available on:
- our Vimeo channel (videos can be dowloaded from Vimeo)
- our Facebook Videos page
- our Instagram account
- our conference presentations and videos archive on Community
- Looking for a video that used to be featured on CCL Community's Dashboard/Homepage? Look here.
About Us
Why Relationship Building is Important to Climate Advocacy (downloadable link)
Relationship building: It's what CCL does best! Hear a few real-life volunteer examples of chapters that have built relationships with their members of Congress over the years, and how it helped them build political will for lasting change.
Support 210,000 Volunteer Citizen Lobbyists for Earth (downloadable link)
For decades, corporations have had lobbyists. Now Earth does, too. Citizens' Climate Lobby trains regular people across the U.S. to lobby on behalf of the planet.
A Reminder Of Who We Are (downloadable link)
2020 has been difficult. This video reminds us who we are, and why we do the work we do at CCL. We hope you enjoy it whenever you need a pick-me-up.
The Power of Group Action (downloadable link)
Illinois CCLers share their experiences with climate advocacy and the importance of working together.
Citizens' Climate Lobby Introductory Video (2015 - downloadable link)
You can speak up for climate change solutions that bridge the partisan divide like Carbon Fee and Dividend, which gives all revenue back to households. Narrated by Ian Somerhalder.
Our Values In Action: From Our Volunteers (downloadable link)
Citizens' Climate Lobby is a nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organizations focused on national policies to address climate change. Our core values guide us along the way.
Can Grassroots Lobbying Actually Influence Congress? (downloadable link)
As a former staffer for a Republican member of Congress, Jennifer Tyler has seen firsthand how grassroots lobbying can do more than months of hearings or briefings on a climate-related topic. If you don't think grassroots lobbying works, you need to hear her story.
The Power of Citizen Advocacy 💪 (downloadable link)
We have key advantages as citizen lobbyists that help us build political will. Our members of Congress are eager to hear personal experiences from us, their constituents, and they listen to us in a different way than they listen to paid lobbyists.
What's it Like to Lobby Congress for the First Time? (downloadable link)
Five CCLers share what it was like to lobby Congress for the first time in person on Capitol Hill at our Conservative Conference.
Making a Difference on Climate Change - Lobbying at CCL's International Conference (downloadable link)
Three CCL volunteers share their experiences on Lobby Day, documentary style.
Solutions to climate change: what can ordinary people do?
CCL volunteers share their reactions and experiences at our annual Summer Lobby Day.
CCL is Building A Diverse Climate Movement (downloadable link)
With 500 local chapters across the country, it only makes sense that Citizens’ Climate Lobby demographics represent and celebrate America’s diversity. This representation includes populations in the United States most impacted by the climate crisis, particularly frontline communities. We actively work to seek out, include and amplify voices and solutions from these communities in our local chapter work. We welcome you to join us and begin working toward climate solutions in your community.
Conservatives Take Action for Climate - Join Us! (downloadable link)
Drew Eyerly, CCL's Director of Conservative Outreach, on how he decided to take action for climate after growing up in a deeply conservative family in rural Georgia. Learn more about CCL's conservative programming and policies at
When Conservation, Outdoorsmanship & Climate Action Come Together (downloadable link)
CCL’s conservative outreach director, Drew Eyerly's, love of the outdoors calls him to work fighting climate change.
How Does a Price on Carbon Work? (downloadable link)
Putting a price on carbon will reduce America's carbon pollution fast - as much as 50% by the end of this decade. But how? This video takes you through how a carbon tax works its way through the economy to accelerate a transition to clean energy, and how to make it affordable for people through a carbon cashback, or dividend payment.
¿Cómo funciona una Renta Climática? (downloadable link)
Poner un precio al carbono reducirá rápidamente la contaminación por carbono -- hasta un 50% para el final de esta década. ¿Cómo? En este video se explica cómo la imposición de una tarifa al carbono a las compañías de combustible fósiles se abre paso a través de la economía para llevarnos a la energía limpia, y como una Renta Climática (en inglés, "Carbon Cashback"), que envía Dividendos de Carbono mensuales al pueblo, lo hace asequible para las personas, las familias y las pequeñas empresas.
Join us in the #FarMiddle (downloadable link)
If you feel powerless in the face of climate change, there's a guy with three heads you need to meet. Whether you identify with the left, right or center head, we're all affected by climate change. Fortunately, there's a solution we can all get on board with called the Energy Innovation Act.
The Inflation Reduction Act is the biggest climate bill in U.S. history 🇺🇸 (downloadable link)
Short explainer on the passage of the IRA and what it means for America.
December 2022 CCL's 2023 Policy Agenda w/ Dana Nuccitelli (downloadable link)
Join Dana Nuccitelli, Research Coordinator, CCL/CCE, to learn about the science behind CCL’s 2023 policy agenda. How will CCL’s policies help the US get to 50% emissions reductions by 2030 and to net zero by 2050? And what are the legislative opportunities next year? Dana will give an overview of carbon pricing, clean energy permitting reform, building electrification and efficiency, and healthy forests.
All December 2022 Conference Presentations can be found on this YouTube playlist.
Instructional Videos
How To Write a Letter to the Editor (downloadable link)
Writing a letter to the editor is a free and effective way to get your member of Congress' attention and spread awareness of important climate topics. CCL's State and Local Media Coordinator, Charlotte Ward, shows how to write your first letter to the editor in five easy steps. Find topics for your first letter to the editor here:
CCL Youth show how to call your Representatives to take action on climate change! (downloadable link)
Young CCLers from across the country have been calling their representatives asking for carbon pricing to be added to budget legislation. This video shows how easy it is to call Congress.