Text or QR Code to Join CCL Sign

People can scan the QR code or send a text message (SMS) with the single word Join to the number 619-675-7507, and they will be prompted to join CCL. Users will be prompted to share their email address, zip code, first name, and last name (all are required). After signing up, they will be a CCL volunteer, receive a welcome message via email, and be signed up for text alerts from CCL.
To download the sign, choose either the color or greyscale option, download, and print.
See FAQ below for questions.

What happens if someone uses my phone to sign themselves up?
We capture the phone number they are texting from and add it to their record in our database, so your phone number will be added to their record. It is much better to have them use their own phone.
Is there an easy way to remember this number?
Not really. You can save it as a contact in your phone which would be good as you might receive text alerts from us in the future from this number. If you can come up with a clever way to memorize it let us know.