Constituent Letter Form - Energy Innovation Act and General Designs

A short form that can be used at any event to collect constituent comments for your members of Congress to demonstrate constituent support for the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act or general climate action and other CCL policy solutions (this page features both designs).
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Usage Instructions
Note: CCL National is no longer processing or delivering constituent letter forms to offices in D.C.. If you collect paper letters from people who live outside of your local district it will be your responsibility to mail them to the corresponding Congressional offices. So to keep thing simple, ask the out-of-towners your meet during your tabling to use the paperless online tools below (more on Paperless Grassroots Outreach here).
Please note the “opt-in” language and checkbox at the bottom of the constituent letter form. This is in response to CCL volunteer communication and privacy requests.
- - write your Rep about the Energy Innovation Act
- - sign up for action alerts
- - join CCL
Please note the “opt-in” language and checkbox at the bottom of the constituent letter form. This is in response to CCL volunteer communication and privacy requests.

Related Trainings
Lobbying Congress, Grassroots Outreach
File Type
PDF (.pdf)