Buy The Climate A Coffee Crowdfunding Printout

A handout for your tabling and grassroots outreach events to help crowdfund for CCL in a new creative style.
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Usage Instructions
Use the handout when tabling or at other events to educate the general public about who CCL is and to inspire action. Click the green "Download" button next to each document, then print it or send the file to your local print shop or use CCL's Print Store ((1) Go to CCL's Print Store, (2) click “Create an Account”, (3) follow the prompts to create an account, and (4) you'll be logged in automatically).
For the cost of a coffee, table visitors can make a small donation to CCL to help get climate laws passed. When table visitors scan the QR code, they'll go to where they can donate via Paypal. They will not be added to our CCL email list or receive any further solicitations from us unless they sign up separately through CCL's websites.
For the cost of a coffee, table visitors can make a small donation to CCL to help get climate laws passed. When table visitors scan the QR code, they'll go to where they can donate via Paypal. They will not be added to our CCL email list or receive any further solicitations from us unless they sign up separately through CCL's websites.

Climate Policy, Chapter Organizing