Getting To Know Your Member of Congress

Using “Fresh Eyes” to Learn About New and Returning Members of Congress
Using “Fresh Eyes” suggests taking a step back to look for what you may have missed before. As we seek to be aware of our own biases, we try to see what we missed.
After an election with a new Congress and different party majorities, a returning member may have different priorities and policy objectives. Do not assume you can pick up where you left off last year. Congress will recalibrate depending on final election outcomes.
Freshmen members of Congress are on a huge learning curve and may not have decided where they stand on climate policies (and staff may not know either). They may have limited experience, or have no legislative experience at all. They also may be cautious and undecided on policy objectives. New MOCs love to meet their constituents.
Our first priority with a new member is the relationship, a good first impression. Start by focusing on who we are (our volunteers are teachers, moms and business owners in the community). Then introduce them to CCL and our nonpartisanship and allow that to sink in. Let them talk by encouraging them to articulate their beliefs and listen. Acknowledge and affirm areas where you agree. Try to get a sense of their values and how they make decisions so you can get them to see common ground. Let them ask you about our policy agenda or ask permission to share more details about CCL and details of the policies we support. Open-ended questions and listening will be particularly important.
When you engage with an existing MOC, reintroduce CCL, our mission and policy agenda. Learn if anything has changed with them post IRA/post election/etc. Highlight our focus, in this divided Congress, to build bridges and support bipartisan legislation.
For the Action Tracker: Anytime you connect with a current legislator no matter the medium, then it's "contact with the legislator."
Anytime you meet with a candidate running for office, then the Action is "Grasstops Meeting" (there is no place for meeting notes, so we suggest you keep track of those details yourself).
Power Mapping to Identify Key Influencers
Find a basic bio of your member of Congress here. Add to that biography from reliable sources:
Member details:
- Personal background/interests
- Voting record
- Committee assignments
- Member donors and endorsers
- or sites
- Campaign sites and social media
- Open Secrets
- District and DC staffers
- MOC staffers @ LinkedIn
- Past CCL meeting history
- Census and Labor Data
- Racial breakdown
- Urban/rural split
- Employment, worker, industry stats
- Socio-economic, housing, education data
- Past election margins, base voters, swing voters stats
- Geography and natural resources
Helpful Tips:
- Committee work is a big part of MOC life - Watch for videos of hearings to get a sense of their thinking and passions (go to the Committee's website)
- Sign up for your MOC e- newsletter
- Become a follower on Facebook or Twitter
- Media Resources link is on the Liaison Group home page.
Who does your member listen to (trusted messengers)?
- Local or national supporters, community leaders, endorsers, industry leaders, business owners, donors.
What does your member care about?
- Constituent concerns that get attention?
- What are they proud of?
- Who do they spend time with?
- Personal interests?
Power Mapping ... And the power of observation
- What media do they pay attention to?
- What topics do they post on social media?
- What donors and business leaders influence them?
- What party leaders do they listen to?
- Management and social style?
- How do they spend their time?
Be open to “signals” from MOC and staff. Watch, Listen, Learn, Cultivate.
- Understand your member anew
- Assess your relationship - bring in help as needed
- What steps are needed?
- Assess with “SWOT” - Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats
- Be open to a reboot
Knowing the Most Useful Information to Share
Initial information for your member
- Introduction to CCL volunteers, Liaison and CCL lobby events
- CCL is nonpartisan
- CCL works on policies that are effective in reducing emissions and building bridges in Congress and in our community
- CCL's policy agenda
- Overview. Carbon pricing, healthy forests, building electrification, clean energy permitting.
- Details (if the MOC/staff shows interest)
- From your MOC research, there might be one policy area that you think will appeal to them more than others - you can dive a little deeper into that area with the goal of gauging their interest and finding common ground.
- Climate Solutions Caucuses, who is on it, who do they know?
- Conservative Climate Caucus
Reports and studies to better understand your district. Only share these if asked for.
- Local Climate impacts
- Yale climate opinion data for their district
- ClearPath Action Opinion Study
- Economic info, WSJ economist list - Are there economists from their state or alma mater?
How and When to Share Information
What are their gaps in knowledge? What is relevant to them?
- How can you be a valued resource?
- Bring in trusted messengers and influencers
- Share endorsements
Time and Place?
- Do they feel heard? Are they ready to hear you?
- Share ahead of meeting, during meeting or with follow-up?
- Offer another meeting to cover unanswered questions
- Know the limits of what they can hear so they listen when you do share!
What not to share is as important as what to share:
- Relevant, succinct information will raise your standing with the office. (irrelevant or lengthy emails may lower it)
- Stay in the sweet spot. Look for signals that you are bringing them useful information.
Building a Foundation of Trust
The more you connect your case to your MOC’s values, the easier it is for your MOC to commit to action.
(0:00) Introduction
(1:25) Using “Fresh Eyes” to Learn About New and Returning Members
(3:47) Building Your Bio
(10:50) Who Does your Representative Listen To?
(16:35) Fresh Eyes To Chart A New Path
(18:05) How and When to Share Information
- Mindy Ahler
- Jenn Tyler