Using Your Chapter Roster

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This training demonstrates how Group Leaders, Group Admins, and Action Team Leaders or their chosen designates edit/manage the Chapter Roster Management Tool on CCL Community.

TOC and Guide Section
Finding Your RosterĀ 

You can access yourĀ Chapter RosterĀ (clicking the link also works) via the "My Tools" block on the left-side of your "My Dashboard" page - or by searching for "Chapter Roster" in search.Ā  Make sure that you are marked as either a Group Leader or Chapter Admin for you to have access and it to appear.

Sorting & Filtering

The roster allows you to sort and filter your membership to provide easier access to finding out specific groupings (i.e. activity status, or everyone interested in tabling, or residing in a congressional district or city). Feel free to click on any of the filtering buttons and search field to narrow your criteria. By clicking on the up and down arrows on any of the column headings you can also sort the list alpha-numerically for that column.

Updating Member InformationĀ 

The New Members Tab shows people who are new to your group in the last 60 days. They are also shown on the Roster tab. They may be new to CCL or just new to your group.

To edit an individual volunteer's information in your roster, click on the left-side "Edit" button, typeĀ into the fields you wish to update, then click the "Save" button in the upper right.

For example, if you would like to update a local volunteer's Activity Status, when in the edit screen, you would click on the "Activity Level" drop-down menu and select from the following: Very Active,Ā Active,Ā Occasionally Active, Not Active, New Prospect, or Moved Away. Then click "Save" and the update should take place.

To update your volunteer's interest fields, see this FAQ.

Managing Privileges & InterestsĀ 

Below you can see what privileges members of your group have. Click Edit to change them.

Chapter Admin: Check this box to provide a volunteer with the ability to access the roster, and create events & send emails from your group in CCL Community.

Send GL Reports to non-GL:Ā Check this box to have this non-GL person receive the GL monthly reports.

Media Manager: Check this box to have this person receive Editorial Packets and Press Releases for sending to local papers.

Chapter Page Editor:Ā Check this box to give someone access to editingĀ your chapter's web page.

Grasstops EngagementĀ Manager (GEM): Check this box to allow someone to manage all potential Influencers related to your chapter using theĀ Grasstops Engagement Tracker.

Note: If you use Filters below they will apply to the Roster Contact Info and Roster Details tabs. You probably want to set them to All before switching tabs.

Selecting the interests for each of your local chapter members below will simplify your communications with your chapter and deepen their engagement around the activities they're interested in. To get started, click on the blue "None selected" bar next to a member's name.

Note: Making bulk updates of interests will overwrite the current fields of whichever members are selected. Interests will be updated in our database immediately but it will take up to 1 day before they appear in CCL Community

Managing Opt-outs

This is a list of people assigned to your group who have opted out of receiving email from CCL. They are not receiving newsletters, weekly bulletins, or any other bulk emails from CCL (they may still get some messages via CCL Community.

In general, you should assume that they also no longer want to receive email from your chapter, unless you have reason to suspect otherwise.Ā Please remove them from your contact lists.

If you see someone on this list who should not be here please emailĀ membership@citizensclimatelobby.orgĀ with their name and email address and the reason you think they want to be back on CCL's list (eg they are one of your GLs or a Liaison or otherwise very active). Alternately you can contact the person yourself and encourage them to opt back into our system.

If a member is deceased or otherwise needs to be completely removed from CCL membership,Ā send their information toĀ

How ToĀ Export
Scroll to the bottom and click on theĀ Export Roster to CSVĀ button to export a commas-separated-values file of your roster that you can open in a spreadsheet. It will export your entire roster minus any members who are marked as Email Opt Outs, and filtered using the filters belowĀ  (District, City, How Active, etc.).
  1. Click on the "Export" Tab below
  2. Scroll down and click "Export ListĀ to CSV"
  3. Save the file and open it with a spreadsheet program such as Excel or Numbers.
  4. You may want to delete or hide certain columns or expand ones to make sure they show all the info.
  5. You may need to use print preview to try to get the right columns to all show up on the same page.
  6. Make sure to use bcc
Importing New MembersĀ 

To add a member to your group you must first search to see if they are already in our database. Enter their email address below and click the Search button. If there is a contact in the database with that exact email address their information will appear below and you can click the Edit button to move them to your group and update any other information.

If they are not found, click the Add Member button to add them. We strongly discourage entering contacts without an email address, but if you must, you can enterĀ NoEmailĀ in the field below and click the Add Member button to enter someone without an email address.

Note: BeĀ sure to upload theĀ names from your event as soon as possible after the event takes place, ideally within the first 24 hours as that is when your contacts are most likely to respond and engage with your local chapter's work.

Setting up Subgroups &Ā Emailing by Interest

If you are a groupĀ leaderĀ or local chapter admin there are additional instructions on theĀ CCL Community FAQ pageĀ to help you detail how to email your groupĀ (whether the whole group or by interest including this video tutorial, which covers several aspects of communicating with your chapter).Ā 

Additionally,Ā here's the FAQ entryĀ on creating teams, includingĀ this video tutorial.Ā 

And if you have questions about CCL's new Engagement Segments (a feature available to only group leaders and state/regional coordinators), check out theĀ separate privateĀ Engagement Segments Training here.

Press play to start the video (29m 55s)
Video Outline
To skip ahead to a specific section go to the time indicated in parenthesis.


Finding Your Roster

Sorting and Filtering

Updating Member InformationĀ 

Managing Privileges & Interests

Managing Opt-outs & Exporting

Importing New Members

  • Caillie Roach
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