AHA Presentation Slides

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What’s in this AHA (AHA = Acceptance, Hope, Agency) Presentation Starter Kit?

  1. AHA Background 2. Online Add-ons, Slide style guidelines 3. Sample AHA Presentation
For more support see the Giving a Presentation training and join the Presenters & Schedulers Action Team.
Usage Instructions
Click the Blue "Download" link for the .pptx file and the image below or this link for the Google slides:

AHA-Presentation-Slides (v.1.0.2)AHA-Presentation-Slides (v.1.0.2)(.pptx)(updated 3/10/21)83487 KB

It’s customary practice in sharing presentations to share presentation decks. This is different. It’s a starter kit for a new way of CCL outreach aimed at motivating audiences. You are the motivator, not the slides. It’s a people-to-people thing. The slides are a visual backdrop to help you grab people’s attention, to uplift, to inspire to engage at a deeper level. A level that moves them. This only works if the slides are a genuine reflection of you, your narrative, your story.  

There is this saying:  people in audiences won’t remember so much what you say in your presentations but rather how you make them feel.  And so this is a starter kit to help you craft a presentation on your own terms that is effective because it's you:  how you want them to feel about doing something about climate change. 

This AHA starter kit and the presentation that you develop is all business - CCL business. At the end of the day we want to get people out of their armchairs to act:  we’re so close to achieving a climate breakthrough, and their help will push us through. 

The foundation of this starter kit is feedback and observations shared by Presenters and Schedulers Action Team members as well as the best available psychological and social science on how to effectively engage and motivate audiences. In many respects, the intention here is to compliment motivational interviewing techniques widely used by CCLers. The slides also provide background on the research behind this approach and for that we gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Sabine Marx and Columbia University's The Psychology of Climate Change Communication Guide.

The CCL presentation uses two fonts that you might need to download onto your local computer to use properly. To download the fonts, go to:

Grassroots Outreach, Communicating with Others
File Type
Google Slides