Virtual Postcards
Looking for CCL's Postcards To The President Campaign? Click here.
“Make a copy” of this slide deck template (or “Download” a .pptx file below).
To share this initiative with your chapter, ask your group members to:
- pick a photo of themself with something they love in the photo (being outdoors is always a good option)
- write a ~50 word testimonial about why they support climate action
- send the photo and testimonial to your chapter’s postmaster (see slides)
- double your impact by helping a friend or family member send a photo & testimonial to your postmaster
The postmaster can then use the photos and testimonials to create a one slide postcard for each contributor. The CCL presentation uses two fonts that your postmaster might need to download onto a local computer to use properly. To download the fonts, go to:
When you are ready to deliver your postcard collection, download (or “Save as”) a .pdf version of the slide deck and then:
- deliver it during your next CCL virtual lobby meeting highlighting some of the best testimonials, or
- provide it to Congressional staff via email, or
- post virtual postcards on social media, tagging each post with your member of Congress's social media handle (for example, @RepCarbajal) so that congressional staff will see the posting, or
- talk to your Liaison about whether your MOC’s district office has a way to safely accept a printed copy, or
- if you are able to determine that your MOC’s DC office is open, prepare it for delivery by CCL Envoys in D.C.
If you deliver your postcard book electronically, include a good example postcard in the body of your email so that the Congressional staff can see a preview of the amazing postcards attached. Also ask for a reply!
For Senators
Share your chapter’s postcard collection with your CCL State Coordinator and CCL Senate Liaisons so that they can make and deliver a statewide postcard collection containing all the district postcard collections.